Learn why reflexology is so beneficial for any age group and is useful when treating a wide array of ailments such as headaches, insomnia, pain, stress, illness and more.
I love the human body. It is incredibly wonderful how interconnected and self-sufficient it is. It is so simple and at the same time exceptionally complex. I also love people and their stories. There is so much to learn from each person who crosses your path.
I am also a perpetual student. Click here to see some of the trainings I have done.
I love doing this because each day I get to bear witness to how extraordinary the individual is. I get to slow down, honour, and nurture that person. I can teach them super cool things about their body, and its potential, while they share their amazing collective experiences. Touch is so basic and simple and yet the effects are so profound. They walk out of the room feeling refreshed, relaxed, and cared for. It is beautiful and deeply rewarding.